Tourists routs of CBT “Relic forests” 1.”Legend of Arstanbap”. Duration of excursion one day. The main places of appointment ; village Arstanbap, big waterfall, small waterfall. Grave of Ibn-Abbas, cave of 40 angels, 2.”Mirror lake”. Duration of excursion-5 days on horse. The main places of appointment ; mirror lake, Kobur-Kul, Saint Lake. Time to visit ; june-september. Warning; path is crossing trough high forests. Its necessary to take with yourself unsoaked shoes, coat, and warm clothes. Service including ;horse with saddle, guide with horse, food and accommodation in yurta and in tent. Requirement ; able to sit astride on horse within 3-5 hours The main granting services. - B & B, life in privet houses of CBT, situated in Arstanbap 250-300 som\ per person while24 hours - Guide interpreter(on foot)-30som\hour; 300som in a day. - Guide-rider( horsing tour)-70som\hour in a group - Interpreter- 30som\hour, 240som\in a day for group. - Cooker -200som\in a day for group - Rent horse-40som\hour, 300som in a day - Lunch-80som\person.,,, dinner-70som\person - Transport service-8som\km - Shower-room-50som\person. - singer with national instrument ( 1 hour)-150som - folklor concert( 1 hour)-300som - show of traditional customs(national games, some part from wedding party) - “beshik-toi”-650som for group - Horse-races (1 km)-$6\person - National souvenirs . 1 dollar-40.60 som