About South Kyrgyzstan
We invite you visit one of the wonderful places of our republic – the south Kyrgyzstan. It is more geographically isolated from the left part of its territory separated from other regions with mountainous ridges.It is the unique region with its natural conditions, according to its mosaic natural landscapes. The South Kyrgyzstan is interesting and unique in every season of the year. In spring while flowering, mountains are extraordinary beautiful.Rocky deserts have extraordinary color in summer, which reminds hammed of Sahara. Just ridges of Alai, Turkistan, Fergana, Chatkal ridges in winter and summer don’t change their colors, shinning sugary on the sunshine of south sun.The south Kyrgyzstan is the region where climate is ought to the laws of high zone. It is sunny and warm in valleys. Climates reminds the climate of Mediterranean; on the mountains at the marks from 500-1000 meters climate is semi desert, higher and at the marks on 1200 meters climate is mild, and on the high mountains – severe. At all the climate conditions assist to develop tourism.There are hidden great reserves of minerals at the bowels of Kyrgyzstan. On its territory opened and registered more than 2 thousand of places of different types of minerals. It is discovered more than 60 elements of the periodical table of Mendeleyev. The nature generously gifted the republic with mineral sources. It is known more than one hundred mineral sources of different chemical structure and temperature at this tine. There is functioning one of the well known resorts the Jalalabat resort on the base of this sources. It is produced the spill of mineral waters like “Jalalabat”, “Kara Shoro” on the deposits. There are many deposits of medical mud. There are state national parks and row of reserves, fifteen forests on the south of Kyrgyzstan. They make up the honor of the nature of Kyrgyzstan. It is grown unique nut forests on the Chatkal and Fergana mountain ranges. They are on the first place by the size of massive. The territories of sea Sary Chelek, big and small waterfalls of Arslanbob, and waterfall Abshirsai are the pearls of nut forests. How to begin the introduction of South Kyrgyzstan? Such question came up to many tourists, who want to visit our tourist routes. And of course from the centre of the south capital of Kyrgyzstan the Osh city. Osh city is the southern capital of Kyrgyzstan, situated on the outlet of Ak Bura river from Alai mountain ranges, on the height 940-1070 meters. It is one of the most ancient cities of Central Asia. There was civilization on the bronze epoch, more than 3000 years ago on the Suleiman Mountain. From the second millennium before era till 15th century of our era Osh city was not only the station of the mountain pass of Great Silk Road, but it also was the bridge between Eastern and Western countries.On the middle ages Osh city got fame as the center of pilgrims. Believers from Central Asia, Iran and Kashgar hurried to visit the holy places as Tahti – i- Suleiman (the throne of Solomon), elevated at the western part of the city. It brought them the desire of cure from illnesses.