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South Kyrgyzstan

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                                                      On  horses by Great Silk Road.


Season  for  tourism;   may- october.

Transport;               automobile




Meeting of groups  in airport “Osh”. Excursion to the saint Sulaiman mountain (10km). Moving by microbus to Uzgen (40km).Introduction  with historical-architectural mausoleum . Lunch.  Moving by microbus to Jalalabad. Accommodation in hotel. Excursion in the city. Dinner .


Moving to Aksy district (160km), accommodation in hotel of reserve zone  “Padysha –Ata” .       Visiting saint places of “ Padysha –Ata”. Dinner .


Moving to biospherical reserve “Sary-Chelek(150km). Accomodation in camp-site   “Sary-Chelek. Visiting   the lake “Sary-Chelek (12km) ) which situated on high mountain also you can take picture of this lake. Dinner.


Moving to “Ala-Buka” district (120 km).Visiting historical-memorial  complex “Safed Bulan & Shah -Fazil (3-4 hours).After this, moving to nuts reserve “Arstan –Bap” (290km).Accommodation  of tourists in camp site “Arstan Bap”. Excursion to the big(80m) and small(30m) waterfalls. Excursion to spring “Sultan bulak”, to the nuts grove and to the saint stone “Namazdyktash”.


Excursion to grove of “Kyzyl -Unkur with visiting  the lake Ken-Kol(100km).Coming back to Osh. Accommodation in hotel.


Excursion in the city and visiting Eastern - bazaar. Departure of tourists.




Hosted by uCoz